Webinar: Providing Continuity of Learning At-Home and In-School
Given the rise of COVID again, you might be looking for a CTE solution that reaches students wherever they are learning, at home, the library, or in school. You may be looking to teach courses that can’t be taught due to staff quarantines or a lack of qualified staff for any reason. We can help you with our catalog of courses and our certified instructors. Our management tool will help to build an employment portfolio and track student progress no matter where your students and teachers are located.
Our webinar will share strategies to support learning at-home and in-school in this time of COVID.
We’ve added a few more sessions. To register for this webinar, please choose from these options:
Tue, Oct 5, 04:00 PM – 05:00 PM MST
Wed, Oct 6, 07:00 AM – 08:00 AM MST
Tue, Oct 12, 04:00 PM – 05:00 PM MST
Wed, Oct 13, 07:00 AM – 08:00 AM MST
If you’re unable to attend, we can also set up a one-on-one demo for you.